Kaduna Will Be Great Again - 309




Our guest speaker for today is Jesse David. In this piece, Jesse identified the primary responsibility of government as security and basic welfare of the people. However Jesse and all other rational thinkers can not understand why Governor El-Rufai is operating in the reverse. The governor is yet to provide security for the teeming population of southern Kaduna, but he is providing grass for his Laduga fulani herdsmen responsible for these attacks in the heart of southern Kaduna. The three basic needs of man are food, clothes and shelter and since the inception of this government, the governor has not done anything to improve on the welfare of the people, but he wants to pull down Gbagyi Villa that was built by citizens, not him, just to leave behind, sorrows, tears and blood. In saner climes, government build houses for citizens. In Kaduna, Governor El-Rufai demolishes houses of citizens. Jesse wants government to set her priority right - that is; first things first.  

Read on...     

“Things which matter must never be at the mercy of things which matter least”.
The 1999 Nigeria Constitutions makes pronouncement on the ‘fundamental objectives and directive principle of state policy’ extracts of this section read as follows, ‘The security and welfare of the people shall be primary purpose of government’. So many politicians are so used to this line in the constitution, they don’t miss a word when quoting from this section of the constitution, they quote it with little or no understanding of what this statement means

Two words standout in the statement stated in the constitution, ‘Security and Welfare’. Security is simply those measures taken to guard against espionage or sabotage, crime, attack or escape. While welfare has to do with the statutory procedure or social effort designed to promote the basic physical, material of the people. If you quote or make reference to this section of the constitution, then you inasmuch as try to let your action justify what you quote, there is need to march your words with action. If the security and welfare of the people is the primary purpose of the government, then as an elected government official you must give in your all to see to it that this purpose is attained.
There have been several cases of attacks, murder, kidnapping and displacement of people at the Southern part of Kaduna State; many villages are under siege and recurrent attacks by herdsmen and unknown gunmen. One will expect that a sensible government will put all measures in place to see to it that this deadly attacks are been brought to an end, but surprisingly we woke up to the news that Kaduna State Government, on Tuesday officially launched the distribution of Tinapiar grass in Laduga Grazing Reserve in Kachia Local Government Area of Kaduna state. The Honourable Commissioner of Agriculture Dr. Daniel Manzo who officially flagged off the distribution of Napier Seedling grass said that, ‘The Napier grass is the most promising and high yielding grass feeder which is nutritious. It increase milk production and healthy beef, he explained further that they want a system were all lactating cows will not go out to graze but kept in one place. According to him, the essence of flagging off of the Napier seedlings was to empower key stakeholders and players in the rural economy, because the rural economy constitutes 80percent of GDP of Kaduna State.
Despite the fact that the Southern Kaduna Peoples Union (SOKAPU) had come out to entirely reject and condemn the proposed Grazing Reserve Areas in their region, on the grounds of increasing cases of insecurity and the recurrent clash between Herdsmen and Farmers in that region. If the security of lives and property of the citizens of Kaduna State is the priority of the state government, they would have had a rethink on this Grazing Reserve issue. Thou unconfirmed, millions of naira most have been sang into this misplaced project. The government claims that distribution and growing of grass in grazing reserve areas, the economy and revenue base of the state will be improved. If the government is so concerned about improving the economy and revenue of the state, what then is the essence of wanting to demolish a community with over 3000 housing unit, on the grounds that the residents don’t have genuine C of Os? Why don’t this government be sensible enough to call on the residents of this community to pay and get genuine C of O than embarking on a mass demolition? Instead of trying to meet the millions of housing deficit, 3000 houses have been marked for demolition...


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